The Drip Coffee Maker is the best solution for Small Offices

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The one thing everyone is short of today is time. And when we think of having no time, we think of instant solutions. Let’s say you’re hosting a meeting for 10 people. And they all want coffee. But you don’t have time to make everyone an espresso or a cappuccino or a latte. You want volume and you want it quickly. But you need to preserve your reputation and offer a quality drink. You might be tempted to reach for the jar of instant coffee, boil the kettle, and add water. But why do that if with the same effort you can have a superior cup of coffee that smells and tastes like the best a barista could offer. Tecnora’s Caffemio TCM 206 drip coffee maker (DCM) gives you all that and more.

Large volume DCMs will give you enough coffee for everyone, at the one time. No one is kept waiting. The keep warm mechanics will make sure that latecomers don’t miss out on the experience. This is a particularly useful feature if yours is the type of business that attracts steady customer traffic. Making fresh pots of coffee that will serve a number of people over a period of time can be a game-changer.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]For a great coffee experience with a DCM, keep in mind the three Fs – freshly roasted beans, freshly ground and freshly brewed. Grind your beans no more than a week ahead. Make it a habit. Work it into your Monday morning routine as you get ready to greet your first customers of the week. They’ll taste the difference.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]